I have been a music teacher for 30 years plus and have written many original songs over the years for fellow teachers and school events. I would like to share them with you at a reasonable cost to cover my expenses. I hope you like them and find them useful.
I have been a music teacher for 30 years plus and have written many original songs over the years for fellow teachers and school events. I would like to share them with you at a reasonable cost to cover my expenses. I hope you like them and find them useful.
'Star Reporters' is a retelling of the Christmas Story with a modern twist. The action takes place up high in the galaxy where twinkling stars are assigned to 'spy' on earthly events below with their twinkling eyes, record this on their 'Star Pads' then report their findings back to their superiors Lady Astrid and Lord Cosmos supporting their stories with video footage. Narrators make sure that the nativity story is clear which is then acted out in song and dance. The children from Sacred Heart School in Ware and St. Joseph's in Hertford loved the songs from the hint of a 'Tango' in the 'Silly Census' song to the swing feel of the 'Singing Swinging Star' and parents loved the performances. However I realised that I had made the script too 'wordy' for F.S. so I have now written a simpler script for younger children and am marketing the original script as a K.S.1 script. I hope this helps you to put on a stress free Christmas Production.
A short and sweet chronological re-telling of the Nativity Story using well known children's songs. This was written as a special request from St Joseph's Playgroup in Hertford for their Christmas performance in 2014. The parents loved the children's performance and the playgroup leaders said it helped the children to remember the events leading up to the very first Christmas Day. Great fun was had by all.
An original re-telling of the Nativity Story giving the children the opportunity to play classroom percussion instruments as well. In the story the 'teachers' ask the children which instruments would best paint a musical picture of the characters in the story. As the instruments are selected and played the characters take centre stage and the story unfolds. The children, teachers and parents from Sacred Heart School in Ware and St Joseph's in Hertford really loved the performances.
A delightful Nativity Play with a modern day twist. An enlightened Parish Priest determined to make parishioners focus on the real meaning of Christmas hands each family a box of Christmas Crackers as they leave Midnight Mass. These are the 'Nativity Crackers' and each riddle and gift reveals something about the Christmas Story. As the crackers are pulled and the message dawns on the family, they freeze frame and we are transported back in time to the events of the first Christmas Story. The children, staff and parents of two Hertfordshire schools loved this play. The songs in a variety of styles offer much scope for actions, dance and solos and the script can be adapted to suit your needs.
This is a Magical Christmas Nativity play in more ways than one. The story starts when the teacher announces that the local priest has asked Years 1&2 to provide a tree for the Christmas Tree Festival in his church but the tree has to tell the story of the nativity. As the children are dispatched to the hall to create their decorations magical things happen when the children put their decoration on the tree. The decorations come alive, sprinkle magic glitter on the children and the song and dance begins. Cohesion is added to the play in the form of the 'Cutting and Sticking Song' which the children loved and the songs are cheerful and varied ranging from the 'Country and Western' style of the 'Animals Song and Dance' to the 'Rock and Roll' genre of the 'Shepherd's Song and Dance.' As the final song says......'The Magic Nativitree.........helps us see.........what Christmas means for you and me.'
A new and exciting take on the traditional Christmas Story with groups of children representing different colours associated with Christmas. The action begins with a calypso style song simply called 'Kaleidoscopes' where children dance with brightly coloured gymnastic ribbons. The Kaleidoscopes then introduce each colour connection in rhyme and the story unfolds from the song 'Pretty Little Lady Dressed in Blue' to 'Black Night, Black Sheep' and 'Colourful Kings' dressed in purple, orange and turquoise. The children loved this show and sang their hearts out in all the songs from the upbeat rhythmical numbers to the gentle lullabies. The simple script was easy to learn and helped the children understand the real meaning of Christmas.
From the first song and the lyrics ‘Once a year at the end of term, the teachers are in a flap’ humour pervades this nativity whilst not detracting from the importance of the Christmas Message. There are many opportunities for solo singing and group dancing but there is also plenty to keep the children not on stage occupied singing choruses and performing actions in every song. The children loved the songs and easily learnt the script ensuring the show was a ‘Hit’ at every performance. The package includes full audios, backing tracks, sheet music, script, lyric sheet and cast list, everything you need to put on a fantastic performance with KS1 children.